Time is money, as the saying goes. That's why many fields place a premium on fast, secure and reliable computing and storage. As a result, workstations have become the standard in demanding industries. Although they usually look like regular tower PCs for home or office use, they house powerful Intel Core or Intel Xeon processors, premium video cards, tons of memory and terabyte hard drives-all of which surpass the tried-and-true technology of business PCs. Workstations meet the toughest standards, even when subjected to constant heavy workloads.
Workstations are used in areas such as technical-scientific fields and video editing. These high-performance computers are able to process large data volumes in a short period of time, enabling 3D constructions and computer simulations, and even 4K video processing. Compute-intensive applications and rendering are a breeze. Workstations are purpose-built, and additional connections can be integrated as needed-USB ports, serial/parallel interfaces, extra network connections, RAID controllers, Display Ports, card readers and HDMI ports.
We offer a large selection to ensure you have the right workstation for every company. Leading brands such as HP, Dell, Lenovo, manufacture custom workstations for stationary use in all areas of business. We carry compatible system components, such as storage upgrades and drives, to transform your workstation into the ideal computing powerhouse for any environment. Solution Specialists are available with us to assist you in building the most effective workstation for your needs.
Start Your Business Transformation With Us Today..
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Openview Technologies